Minor issue on LA Node : XINIX MAIN

  • Friday, 4th April, 2014
  • 08:00am


Approximately 15 minutes ago our monitoring systems showed that main.xinix.in was not responding to ping requests hence your hosting is offline.

We are reviewing this and looking into the issue.
Please check the network status page in the client area for further updates ( https://www.xinix.net/whmcs/serverstatus.php ).
We kindly ask you not to open support tickets since we are aware of the issue. 

We expect the issue to resolve very shortly. The Customers affected due to this are the Reseller/master Reseller Accounts & Shared Accounts hosted on main.xinix.in.

Our Newyork, Atlanta and NL Nodes are Unaffected.

We appreciate your patience and understanding. 

Server Administrator
